Nathan Calisto Gomes

The Kings of
A series of portraits made for a game depicting the family line of kings to the current ruler of Wallachia (current day Romania).
All the kings are based off the forefathers and rulers that later inspired Dracula himself.

A series for a longform fantasy story against time where the protagonists race against time to stop the Land of the Giants in the Sky from crashing into earth. The world was built over the course of a few years and was added to incrementally by various artists and storytellers.

Tempest is a character inspired by League of Legends character Janna. A Youtuber by the make of TB Skyen had attempted to redesign said character and this itself inspired me to write a short story of a wind spirit of my own creation. After writing the story, I decided to try to put an image to the character I had written about.
I started out unsure as to how they would look, but finally settled on the form of a young teen, not infantile enough to be completely clueless nor old enough to not come across as playful. Some of the other inspirations used in this were Madeline Miller's take on Achilles in her novel 'The Song of Achilles, the poems 'The Albatross' and 'The Inchcape Rock', and descriptions of angels from the Bible.